Congratulations on the Day of Science and Knowledge
Dear, Kaunas University of Applied Science community, We congratulate you all on September 1 – Science and Knowledge Day! Happy school year!
Dear, Kaunas University of Applied Science community, We congratulate you all on September 1 – Science and Knowledge Day! Happy school year!
From 2 September, access to the library will be through the Business or Technology faculties, where ‘EU Digital COVID Certificate’ or other equivalent document checks will be carried out. The entrance to the Study Centre, where the library is located, will be locked. Students who do not have a valid ‘EU Digital COVID Certificate’ or …
Kviečiame pirmakursius registruotis į mokymus ir sužinoti svarbiausią informaciją apie bibliotekos paslaugas ir išteklius! Mokymai vyks Hangouts Meet by Google įrankiu, į juos būtina registruotis su kolegijos el. paštu: Rugsėjo 6 d. 10:50 val. Rugsėjo 7 d. 13:35 val. Rugsėjo 8 d. 15:25 val. Rugsėjo 9 d. 17:55 val. Rugsėjo …
The Library invites you to use a new information search tool – Resources by Topics. Resources by Topics is a list of e-resource recommendations for different fields of study and programmes published on the Library’s website, which will facilitate and speed up the process of finding the information you need. For the convenience of students …
We invite you to participate in the EBSCO Database User Training, where EBSCO representatives will share their knowledge. This hands-on training is aimed at students, teachers and anyone interested in study and research information. The training is in English. EBSCO Mobile App in 20 minutes Date: 7.09.2021Time: 11:00 hrs. (20 minutes)REGISTER Overview of features available …
We invite you to read the new books received in July, which you can find in the New Books exhibition on the second floor of the library. For a full list of books, see New books (July 2021). The Library received 73 new titles in July, this time mostly in the fields of technology and …
Kaunas University of Applied Science has been granted access to EBSCO eBooks Open Access Monograph Collection. This is an open access collection of monographs published by universities in various scientific fields. To access this collection, you need to log in to the EBSCOhost platform and select eBook Open Access (OA) Collection database or eBook Collection …
Open access to EBSCO eBooks Open Access Monograph Read More »
Vasaros atostogų metu, nuo liepos 1 d. iki rugsėjo 1 d. biblioteka dirbs darbo dienomis nuo 8 iki 15 val. Kai biblioteka nedirba, knygas galite grąžinti savitarnos įrenginiu prie bibliotekos durų.
Trečiame bibliotekos aukšte eksponuojama knygų paroda „Kokios spalvos yra vandenynas?“. Parodoje rasite knygų spalvotyros tema, sužinosite ką reiškia spalvos, ar jos lemia mūsų sprendimus ir kokių spalvų galima rasti vandenyne.
Nuo 2021 m. birželio 1 d. iki rugpjūčio 31 d. bibliotekoje skelbiama akcija ,,Mainome delspinigius į knygas!”. Biblioteka skatina grąžinti pasiskolintas knygas ir už tai dovanoja susikaupusius delspinigius. Skaitytojai, norintys dalyvauti akcijoje, turi atnešti knygas į biblioteką ir kreiptis į bibliotekos darbuotoją.