Virtual Library

Virtual Library of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution <> is an integral search system allowing search in Library catalog, subscribed databases, other electronic open access resources. When you sign into Virtual Library, you are able to use a personal account, tag and review items, set alerts for your queries, add items you found, and require you submitted to your e-Shelf, open articles, and e-books from subscribed databases. References of many sources can be generated automatically in accordance with international rules. All you need is to select Details of source and click Actions and Citation.

eLABa Virtual Library <> is an integrated search system allowing search in Lithuanian academic libraries and other databases. In this system, you will not find databases and electronic resources subscribed to or restricted by academic institutions, will not to order and renew borrowed items, and to use additional possibilities for registered users only. If you want to find all of the institution’s subscribed or limited access electronic resources, to order and renew borrowed items and to use additional possibilities, please select your Institutional Virtual Library (IVL) from the List of Virtual Libraries sign in inside this IVL.