Dyslexia Awareness Month #GoREDforDyslexia

October – Dyslexia Awareness Month is designed to raise public awareness of dyslexia and to support and encourage people with this reading difficulty. Dyslexia is not only a reading disorder, but also a unique way of thinking, manifested in visual memory, sensitivity to the environment, symmetry, and details, but requiring different learning methods and tools.

The Go Red for Dyslexia initiative was first implemented in 2015 in Australia. In Lithuania, this initiative has been in place since 2020 fostered by the Lithuanian Library for the Blind (LAB), the Dyslexia Center, and the Labirintas Learning Peculiarities Center. According to the Lithuanian Library for the Blind, “the initiative aims to “disarm” the red color that highlights mistakes in school, to encourage the public to pay attention to children with reading difficulties, to be interested and to make the right decisions in the process of children’s education”. Get acquainted with the activities of the Go Red for Dyslexia initiative on the website of the Lithuanian Library for the Blind.

The Library and Centre of Information Resources of KUAS contribute to the Go Red for Dyslexia initiative and seek to increase the understanding of the KUAS community about dyslexia. We remind you that people with visual or hearing impairments or disabilities can use the devices and programs in the library. For more information about the devices and programs in the library for people with visual or hearing impairments, see Services for Students with Special Needs.
