Furniture manufacturing technologies

Recommended keywords in LithuanianRecommended keywords in English
Baldų gamybos technologijaFurniture Production Technology
Medienos apdirbimo technologijaWoodworking Technology
Inžinerinė grafikaEngineering Graphics

Lithuanian Resources

Printed Publications in the Library

Printed publications in the Virtual Library.

KK Resources

E. books

KK Institutional Repository
(Access with KK e-mail login)

Other topics e. books in the KK institutional repository:  

KK students final theses

KK Institutional Repository
(Access with KK e-mail login)

Subscribed Resources

E. books

KTU e. books
(Access with KTU e-books password, find it by logging into
  • Albrektas, D., Baltrušaitis, A., Juodeikienė, I., Keturakis, G., Minelga, D., Norvydas, V., Pranckevičienė, V., Ukvalbergienė, K., & Vobolis, J. (2012). Baldų ir medienos gaminių inžinerijos ir dizaino bakalaurų bei medienos inžinerijos magistrų baigiamųjų darbų metodiniai nurodymai: mokomoji knyga (1st-a laida. ed.). Technologija.
  • Albrektas, D., Baltrušaitis, A., Keturakis, G., & Norvydas, V. (2013). Informacinė medžiaga apie medienos ir baldų pramonę: mokomoji knyga (1st-a laida. ed.). Technologija.
  • Albrektas, D., Baltrušaitis, A., Juodeikienė, I., Keturakis, G., Minelga, D., Norvydas, V., Pranckevičienė, V., & Ukvalbergienė, K. (2011). Medienos inžinerija: mokomoji knyga. Technologija.

Other topics KTU e. books:

VGTU e. books
(Access with KK e-mail login)
  • Baltrėnaitė, E., Baltrėnas, P., & Lietuvninkas, A. (2016). Tvarus medžio vaidmuo aplinkos apsaugos technologijose: monografija. Technika.

Other topics VGTU e. books:

Legal information

  • Infolex law portal (Access in library).


Other topics standards in KK Virtual Library (Access with KK e-mail login)

Open Access Resources

E. books

MRU e. books

Other topics MRU e. books:

E. journals

  • Aplinkos tyrimai, inžinerija ir vadyba. (2009). Aplinkos Tyrimai, Inžinerija Ir Vadyba (elektroninis Išteklius): Environmental Research, Engineering and Management: [žurnalas].


Student final theses

Statistical information

Legal information

Cultural heritage information

  • Lithuanian works of art, books, newspapers, manuscript texts, maps, sound recordings, etc.

Foreign Resources

Subscribed Resources (Access with KK e-mail login)

E. books

E. journals

Research articles in databases

Other resources

  • Furniture Search in O’Reilly for Higher Education database

Statistical information

Open Access Resources

E. books

E. journals

Research articles in databases

  • Furniture Search results in CEEOL database
  • Furniture Search results in JSTOR database
  • Furniture Search results in IOPscience database

Dissertations and students final theses

Statistical information

  • Eurostat – Statistics database of European Union countries.

Legal information

  • EUR-Lex – access to European Union law.
  • IATE (Interactive Terminology for Europe) – a database of legal terms in all languages of the European Union, where you can find the term of interest in another language and the origin of this term (the sources in which they are used).

Cultural heritage information

  • Europeana – European countries works of art, books, newspapers, manuscript texts, maps, sound recordings, etc.

Scientific Information Search Portals

Search Portals

Learn about accessing resources on these search portals on the Virtual Library.

KK Virtual Library
Lithuanian Virtual Library
Google Scholar