(LT) Knygų paroda „Ar užtenka tik gražiomis spalvomis nudažyti fasadą?“
Sorry, this entry is only available in Lithuanian.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Lithuanian.
Important information for library visitors: on April 28th, the library will be open until 1 pm. The library will be closed on May 1st. When the library is closed, you can return books using the self-service device located near the library doors (Pramonės pr. 22A, 2nd floor).
We invite you to the exhibition “From Dreams” of the creative works of Milda Narbutaitė, a student of the Photography Studio of the Technical Creativity Center of Kaunas Schoolchildren, on the second floor of the library. Dreams are an integral part of us. They are like a mirror reflecting our inner world, where our fears, …
Exhibition of Milda Narbutaitė’s creative works “From Dreams” Read More »
Temporary access to the Kluwer Law Online database has been granted to the community of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution until May 8, 2023. The Kluwer Law Online database provides high-quality, peer-reviewed law journals and articles discussing the latest international, regional, and national legislation, regulations, and changes in judicial practices across various fields of practice. …
Temporary access to the Kluwer Law Online database Read More »
We invite you to an exhibition of book covers and illustrations by Vilūnė Grigaitė, a lecturer at the Department of Media Technologies in the Faculty of Technology at Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution. The exhibition features fiction book covers, as well as covers and illustrations for children’s fiction and educational books, created in collaboration with …
Exhibition of book covers and illustrations by Vilūnė Grigaitė Read More »
The library’s training videos are only available in Lithuanian.
We invite you to read the new books received in March-April, which you can find in the New Books exhibition on the second floor of the library. For a full list of books, see New books (March – April). The Library received 49 new titles in March-April, this time mostly in fields of Technology and …
We invite you to participate in the EBSCO Database User Training, where EBSCO representatives will share their knowledge. This hands-on training is aimed at students, teachers and anyone interested in study and research information. EBSCO training provides useful advice, reliable information and practical examples. During the training, EBSCO representatives aim to provide users with useful …
We invite lectors and students to a hands-on training in library with Hangouts Meet by Google. It is necessary to connect to the training also with your Kauno kolegija E-mail address. All training is in Lithuanian. If you have any questions about library services, resources, or other information, please write in English by e-mail: biblioteka@go.kauko.lt
Important information for library visitors: On April 10, the library will be closed. When the library is closed, you can return the books by the self-service device near the library door (Pramones ave. 22A, 2nd floor). Congratulations at Easter, we wish you a beautiful and meaningful time with your loved ones!