New books

We invite you to read the new books received in January-March, which you can find in the New Books exhibition on the second floor of the library. For a full list of books, see New books (2022 January-March). The Library received 54 new titles in January-March, this time mostly in the field of medicine.

EBSCO Database Training in English (March)

We invite you to participate in the EBSCO Database User Training, where EBSCO representatives will share their knowledge. This hands-on training is aimed at students, teachers and anyone interested in study and research information. EBSCO training provides useful advice, reliable information and practical examples. During the training, EBSCO representatives aim to provide users with useful …

EBSCO Database Training in English (March) Read More »

Changes in library opening hours

Important information for library visitors: On February 25, the library will be open until 1 p.m. When the library is closed, you can return the books by the self-service device near the library door (Pramones ave. 22A, 2nd floor).

EBSCO Database Training in English (January)

We invite you to participate in the EBSCO Database User Training, where EBSCO representatives will share their knowledge. This hands-on training is aimed at students, teachers and anyone interested in study and research information. The training is in English. EBSCO training provides useful advice, reliable information and practical examples. During the training, EBSCO representatives aim …

EBSCO Database Training in English (January) Read More »

Christmas Greeting

Dear members of the KUAS community, let Christmas bring peace, light, and harmony to all your homes, and the smiles of loved ones create the most beautiful memories. We wish you that the New Year will be full of endless energy, pleasant emotions, and unforgettable moments! Happy Holidays!

New books

We invite you to read the new books received in October-December, which you can find in the New Books exhibition on the second floor of the library. For a full list of books, see New books (September 2021). The Library received 99 new titles in October-December, this time mostly in the field of medicine and …

New books Read More »