Exhibition of Maps „Ukraine on Historical Maps / Україна на стародавніх картах“

We invite you to the exhibition “Ukraine on historical maps / Україна на стародавних картах” organized in the library by the Department of Industrial Engineering and Robotics of the Faculty of Technology of Kaunas College, together with the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics of the Faculty of Land Management and Tourism of Lviv National University of Nature Management and the Society of Lithuanian Cartographers. The exhibition is organized in order to support the Ukrainian people, in a terrible Russian war against Ukraine for a year.

Copies of maps of Ukraine’s lands and neighboring territories from the 16th – 20th centuries are exhibited at the map exhibition. The maps were selected and systematized by Valdas Urbanavičius, a lecturer at the Faculty of Technology.

Historical geographical maps reflect the peculiarities of the development of the state, the peculiarity of the perception of the world and the identity of nations at different stages of their history. The historical maps created on the territory of modern Ukraine left a mark on many other steps in human history. Maps of famous European cartographers, geographers, and historians are exhibited in the exhibition. It is a valuable material for researching the past, providing a lot of information that is useful to researchers of history and cultural heritage. Historical maps help draw parallels and trace how history has changed.

Opening of the exhibition: 2023 February 22 3:00 p.m., in auditorium 202, Pramonės pr. 22A. Speaker Valdas Urbanavičius (Lecturer of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, member of the board of the Lithuanian Society of Cartographers).
The exhibition is on display from February 22 to March 17, 2023, at the Library and Centre of Information Resources of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution (Pramonės pr. 22A, Kaunas).