Newly Subscribed Emerald Management Database and VU E-Book Collection

Emerald Management |

Newly subscribed Emerald Management full-text scholarly journal database, which includes 172 peer-reviewed journals covering topics such as management, business administration, marketing, communication, finance, innovation, and other related fields. This database is a particularly valuable resource for students, lecturers, and researchers who aim to rely on the latest scientific articles and apply them in academic work and research projects.

The resources in this database can be accessed via the Virtual Library by logging in with your institutional email username (up to @) and password. You can also access it through the website or by connecting to Kauno kolegija’s network via VPN at

Vilnius University (VU) Electronic Book Collection

The newly subscribed Vilnius University (VU) Electronic Book Collection offers access to more than 600 electronic publications, including textbooks, monographs, and other academic works in both Lithuanian and foreign languages. This collection provides an excellent opportunity for students, lecturers, and researchers to deepen their knowledge and apply it in academic and scientific activities.

The collection is accessible at To read the e-books, you must create and register an account on the mentioned website using your Kauno kolegija email address. VU e-books can be downloaded and read exclusively through EPUB e-book readers (e.g., Calibre), which need to be installed on the device you plan to use for reading. Instructions on How to Create an Account and Download E-Books.
Important Information: The VU publisher’s platform is designed for purchasing e-books, so the e-books must first be added to your shopping cart. In the cart, the price for the e-books will appear as zero if you register using your institutional email. Note that only the electronic books included in the VU collection can be accessed for free. Be cautious when selecting books: printed editions will display a price in the cart, and you will need to pay for them. Free access is available only to the electronic books within the VU collection.