Darbo laikas

Changes to Library Working Hours

On February 28, readers will be served until 1:00 PM at the Kaunas and Alytus libraries. When readers are not being served at the Kaunas library, books can be returned using the self-service machine located by the library entrance (Pramonės Ave. 22A, 2nd floor).

Changes to Library Working Hours

Important information for library visitors: on October 27th, the library will be open until 1 pm. When the library is closed, you can return books using the self-service device located near the library doors (Pramones pr. 22A, 2nd floor).

Changes to Library Working Hours

Important information for library visitors: on May 26th, the library will be open until 1 pm. The library will be closed on May 1st. When the library is closed, you can return books using the self-service device located near the library doors (Pramonės pr. 22A, 2nd floor).

Changes to Library Working Hours

Important information for library visitors: on April 28th, the library will be open until 1 pm. The library will be closed on May 1st. When the library is closed, you can return books using the self-service device located near the library doors (Pramonės pr. 22A, 2nd floor).

Library Opening Hours During Holidays

Important information for library visitors: On April 10, the library will be closed. When the library is closed, you can return the books by the self-service device near the library door (Pramones ave. 22A, 2nd floor). Congratulations at Easter, we wish you a beautiful and meaningful time with your loved ones!

Changes in library opening hours

Important information for library visitors: On November 25, the library will be open until 1 p.m. When the library is closed, you can return the books by the self-service device near the library door (Pramones ave. 22A, 2nd floor).