Exhibition of Adrija Girnytė’s Creative Works: “Mandala – My Fate”

We invite you to the opening of the exhibition “Mandala – my Fate” of Adrija Girnytė creative works.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on June 21, 2023 at 4 p.m. The Library and Centre of Information Resources of Kauno kolegija, Higher Education Institution (Pramonės pr. 22A, II floor).

The exhibition showcases the artist’s extraordinary creations filled with different colors and patterns, which help immerse oneself in their spiritual world and discover inner tranquility.

Adrija Girnytė is an artist who graduated in 1978 from Kaunas Stepas Žukas Applied Arts Technical School (currently the Faculty of Arts and Education at Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution) with a specialization in weaving. According to Adrija Girnytė, drawing and art have been an inseparable part of her life, and mandalas have become her destiny. The artist believes that everything in this life is interconnected – her surname “Girnytė” comes from the Lithuanian word “girnos” which means a circle or a wheel, also symbolized by mandalas.

Mandalas, with their uniqueness and mystery, can awaken imagination, encourage reflection, and allow for deep contemplation. Mandalas are typically circular drawings where a symmetric unity is formed by one or multiple repeated motifs. Intuitively selecting colors and patterns, artist Adrija Girnytė creates mandalas using pencils and rapidographs.