Book exhibition “Bunches of Brambles and Grapes are Already Swaying”

We invite you to the library’s book exhibition, “Bunches of Brambles and Grapes are Already Swaying” on the third floor of the library. Books on autumn produce, agriculture, horticulture, and winter preparation are on display.

Laicans (2023) states that “Autumn for farmers means not only harvesting work but also soil preparation for the cold season. The climatic conditions of Lithuania, with a short warm growing season, determine that the harvest season coincides with the beginning of winter crop planting. This complicates optimal preparation because if you do not manage to sow winter crops in time, the future harvest will suffer. Therefore, in order to achieve maximum efficiency, it is necessary to properly plan the most important tasks.”

We invite you to visit the exhibition and get ideas!

Laicans, G. (2023 m. rugsėjo 12 d.). Rudens darbai ūkyje: kaip efektyviausiai pasiruošti kitam sezonui?